Ceylan Mini-FAQ


What is Ceylan?

Ceylan is a C++ open-source (LGPL/GPL) library which provides basic core functionalities, listed below, and a set of optional features.

Services integrated in the Ceylan library are the ones that should be useful to most applications and that do not depend on any third-party library.

What is its goal?

Ceylan aims at simplifying C++ software development by providing basic services that encapsulates lower-level concerns.

The Ceylan API offers various primitives that perform usual actions in a portable way that should be somewhat shorter, simpler and safer to use than the old-school platform-specific C approach.

Although the comparison is a bit far-fetched, we would have liked that the C++ came with services such as the ones provided by the Java runtime or the standard Python modules. Hence Ceylan does its best to provide services that we deemed lacking to the C++.

What is the current state of Ceylan development?

Ceylan has been existing since the end of 2003, and was seldom under heavy development. However newer code has been integrated on a steady pace, mostly by one developer (me). Ceylan has not been used by many projects, only OSDL used it as a foundation layer.

Currently Ceylan does its best to respect its promises thanks to a simple and straightforward code that everybody should understand, both as a library end user and as a library developer, on the contrary of complex developments, such as Boost (no offence).

What are the major core services that are provided by Ceylan?
These core services are available in all Ceylan-supported platforms:
What are the major optional services ("features") that are provided by Ceylan?
Not all Ceylan-supported platforms support these specific features:
What are the supported platforms?
Ceylan has been ported and tested on following platforms: Not all features are available on all platforms. Ceylan runs both on 32-bit and 64-bit systems.
What is the current stable version?
See the latest Ceylan version pages.
How stable is Ceylan?
We do our best to track bugs and to ensure quality by:

Please react!

If you have information more detailed or more recent than those presented in this document, if you noticed errors, neglects or points insufficiently discussed, or if you would like to contribute and help us, even a little bit, drop us a line!


Last update: Monday, January 3, 2011